Toyota RAV4 Brake Fluid (Complete Guide)  

Toyota RAV4 brake fluid is an essential fluid in vehicles that supports the brake system. The brake system helps you prevent sudden accidents. When you hit the brake, the car will stop.  

But over time, Toyota RAV4 brake fluid will get dirty and not work properly. So you need to maintain it properly and eventually change it as per the company’s recommendation.  

This guide will teach you the very basics of Toyota RAV4 brake fluid change and how to properly maintain it, so stay with us.

Note: Toyota RAV4 has plenty of modes if you want to know about RAV4 modes Here are those modes

  Normal Mode ECO Mode Sport Mode Snow Mode EV Mode Trail Mode Rock and Dirt Mode Mud and Sand Mode

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Toyota RAV4 Brake Fluid (Complete Guide) 

Toyota RAV4 Brake Fluid Types of brake fluid  

Mostly, there are two kinds of oil that are used in most vehicles: DOT.3 and DOT.4, but it’s important to confirm the manufacturer’s guide, or you can directly contact the Toyota dealership and let them know your vehicle model, and they will suggest what the best Toyota RAV4 brake fluid is for your vehicle.  

The difference is simple DOT. 4 is the strongest and best fluid, and in the newer model, the most used fluid is DOT 4. DOT.3 can never replace DOT.4, but DOT.4 can always replace DOT.3, and DOT.4 fluid water absorption is far better than DOT.3.  

It’s safe to say that DOT.4 fluid is very helpful in hot temperatures because it has a higher dry and wet boiling point (AutoZone).  

But make one thing clear in your mind: never fix other fluids on your Toyota RAV4; it will malfunction your brake. Always use the owner-recommended fluid.  

Change Frequency  

It is very important to maintain your fluids properly; it is best for your car. Here are the signs that you know when to replace them.  

  • Toyota recommends checking your fluid oil every 5000 miles (about twice the width of the United States) or 6 months. If it is low, add some more, and if its color changes and gets dirty, flush it all and replace it with a new one.  
  • How do you know if it is fresh or dirty? Let me tell you, the fluid will be yellow and almost as clear as it is transparent. If it is dark brown or black, then this is the time to replace the fluid.  
  • If you do not change the fluid regularly, the brakes will feel weaker than usual, and the driver will get very nervous, and then an accident will occur.  

How to Check the Brake Fluid Level  

Brake Fluid Level
  • Park the vehicle in Gurage or some safe place.  
  • Then you open the hood and check where the brake fluid reservoir is.  
  • Then you must look for the MAX and MIN markings on the reservoir.  
  • Make sure the fluid level is between those marks.  
  • If it is low, add some more fluid oil.  
  • Then finally, close the reservoir cap.  

Cost to Replace  

It depends on where you are changing your Toyota RAV4 brake fluid; the dealership fee is usually very expensive, but their work is perfect, and you will be satisfied. On the other hand, a local mechanic costs you way less than the dealership, so it’s up to your budget.  

According to Nubrakes, the replacement cost of your Toyota RAV4 brake fluid will be 80 to 130 dollars. This is the average national cost of all vehicles and does not include tax fees.  

Changing the Fluid by Yourself  

It is very difficult and delicate work to change the Toyota RAV4 brake fluid; it is not recommended by the owner’s recommendation to do it yourself. Unless you have mechanical experience and know what to do and how to do it,.  


Changing the Toyota RAV4 brake fluid is very important and necessary work. It will make sure that your car’s brake system runs smoothly. And prevent dangerous accidents.  

There are two kinds of fluid: DOT.4 and DOT.3, and the best fluid, which is stronger and works in heat conditions, is DOT.4. All new models have this fluid.  

The price of replacement is 80 to 130 dollars. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendation and do not change fluid by yourself unless you have some kind of mechanic-level experience. If you have any kind of question related to this topic, feel free to ask.  

FAQS (Frequently Asked Questions)

How often should brake fluid be changed to Toyota RAV4?

It depends upon which model are you driving and what conditions are you driving did your car have proper maintenance generally it should take 2 to 3 years

What type of brake fluid does a Toyota RAV4 take?

Mostly it takes DOT.3 fluid but you should consider the manufacturer’s recommendation

What color is Toyota brake fluid?

It has tint yellow colour and a clear transparent if it is good and dark brown or black color if it is bad

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